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Your dialogue

Dialogue is necessary in pretty much every kind of novel. Here are some questions to consider while two characters only have each other to talk to for a long time, to avoid getting off track or uninteresting. Some questions off of the first date page may also be of help. 


  1. Who starts the conversation? Why?

  2. Does the initiator of the conversation have a specific place xe hopes to go with it? 

  3. How does Person B react to being spoken to? Has xe been expecting it? Is it surprising? Is this an everyday thing?

  4. What is Person A's goal in talking to Person B? Is it the same goal Person B has for Person A?

  5. Does the initiator of the conversation cut right to the chase, or begin with casual conversation in hopes it will steer in the right direction?

  6. How long does the conversation last? Who ends it? Why?

  7. Do either of them achieve their goal by the end of the conversation?

  8. Does the conversation go in circles or repeat itself? If not, should it reiterate some things? If it repeats often, is that necessary for the plot?

  9. Who or what is the focus of the conversation?

  10. Is there anything that goes unmentioned that needs to be talked about? If so, how does this move the plot forward?

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